Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A shifted paradigm

So sorry that I haven't posted anything until now but school has taken a lot of my time. I unfortunately haven't finished the Halloween chapter for Alice but will be finishing that soon but I promised a chapter for Gabby and so here it is.

I was freaking out. I had no idea what had just happened and I was having a hard time understanding what happened. To make things even worse a group of soldiers barged in and I blared to drop the weapon or they would shoot. I was so scared I dropped to the floor and started to cry. Thankfully Sam came in and chastised the soldiers, then asked me If I was okay. I know I should have been a little more composed in the situation it is just I had no idea what was happening but I regained enough mental capacity to disengage the device.
"Gabrielle, what happened in here," the base commander asked me in that voice he has that I think would make anyone answer for fear of upsetting him.
"I'm not sure all I did was activate one of the artifacts and tried out the functionality. I'm not sure everything just happened so fast."
"You activated one of the artifacts," everyone except Marcus who I realized was in the corner cowering shouted.
"This is base commander Roland speaking I want all senior staff to report to the weapons training center immediately. Anyone not there within fifteen minutes will be reprimanded," the base commander shouted over the PA system.
"Now Gabrielle and Marcus I want you to tell me what happened here and to gather up some of the artifacts her to take to the meeting."
After five minutes everyone in the room was caught up and Marcus and I started placing some of the artifacts on a cart. I pushed them down the hallways somewhat aware that the guards trailed behind me and Sam, Marcus, and the commander walking and talking in whispers ahead of me. I looked at the artifacts that we had gathered and saw that they had the flashing symbols on them but they weren't the same pattern as the first device.
I was getting bored of looking at the artifacts and just started to look anywhere when I saw that my hands or more specifically my fingers looked thinner and I could swear I saw a small light under my skin but I decided it must be an optical illusion.
Five minutes before the fifteen minutes was up we finally got to the training center and every senior staff member was there. I was about to sit at my seat when Commander Roland said that he would like me to stand next to Sam. I was somewhat nervous but said okay anyway.
"Doctor I need you to tell everyone here about Gabrielle's condition and the procedure you did to help her," as soon as I heard Commander Roland say those words I gasped and probably looked like any teenage girl who found out that she was pregnant. In other words absolutely mortified.
In slumped to the floor as Sam said doctor patient confidentiality wouldn't allow her but Commander Roland was to determined about this and said he would tell if she did not. Then I heard Sam start talking and could see everyone's face change as they heard about my accursed condition. I started to steel myself once I saw the pity on their faces and resolved to not allow them to pity me. Sam finished and I shouted that if I saw any pity on anyone's face I would chew them out and give them a bloody face.
"What I gathered all of you here to really talk about is that Gabrielle was able to activate an artifact and use it. The artifact that was brought to my attention appears to be a weapon and I wanted to make sure that the testing was done in a safe environment. I also wish to brainstorm why Gabrielle was able to activate the artifact.
"Actually the artifact I activated seems to be have multiple capabilities," I explained.
"Gabrielle please go into the testing chamber and activate the artifact," Commander Roland asked and I did.
I had never been in the training center and found the testing chamber to be interesting. It appeared to be an empty white room but I knew that training bots where in the floor, ceiling and walls. I decided to say everything that I saw on the device and camera bots and scanners gathered all the information they could get from the device. I said how when I first activated the device it had an activate, integrate and release buttons. When I activated the device I some how knew that the beginning menu had the symbol for offensive and defensive as the top and middle buttons. After this I showed all the functions. When it came time for the blaster is was somewhat scared but activated it as well. I found that if I concentrated on an area a ball of something shot out. I deactivated the device and asked if I could come out.
"Wait one minute please Gabby, I started wondering what the integrate ability does and why it disappeared after you activated," Dylan the chief science officer asked.
"I'm not sure. Also I wasn't able to translate the offensive and defensive buttons initially but I can now." I started to say,"Maybe we should scan an artifact when it has an integrate as a part and see what it does," but the scanner started and I started to freak out.
"Gabby calm down say deactivate," Dylan shouted. I did as he said and the scanner stopped and my hand returned to normal.
 "I guess we know what integrate most likely does. The devices must be integrated into your body. The question is where are they stored."
I started to be slightly curious and cycled through the different devices. Commander Roland asked me to come out and sit down to figure out why this was occurring. At first it was somewhat productive but after a while everyone started arguing and we lost a lot of focus. When this occurred I started to wonder. I tried to think but the bickering got to me and I pushed the cart into the testing center and took one of the devices and started to activate it. I got to the activate, integrate, release and decided on release. I did this for all of the devices and once I got the last one I realized that Sam never said the device was Precursor tech and told everyone. After some slight bickering they all agreed that the device must be doing something to me. The meeting end and Sam asked me to come with her and the chief of security asked me to go through the rest of the artifacts after talking to Sam. So Sam and I went toward her lab once again.

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