Saturday, November 10, 2012


Alright sorry posting this chapter late but I had a lot of situations get in my way and am only able to put this up now.

This is the second chapter in the Alice universe and it doesn't go to much into Alice except sets up for the an eventual reveal of what Alice is.

So please read on to see what happens within Alice's life.

"Uh that is one f-upped dream I had. What was I doing to that guy any way?" Alice mumbled as she woke to hearing her mom say, "You better wake up or you're not going to get all of that black makeup on your face so you look like a vampire."
"For your information I only put black eyeshadow and charcoal lipstick on. The thing that makes me look like a vampire is the fact that I look whiter than an albino or one of the villains from The Descent. So thanks for that Joan."
Alice got up and grabbed a pair of underwear, pants and tank top from three large piles that where taking up about 70 percent of the entire room.
"Oh I forgot I had this shirt. When did I last wash this? Ah it doesn't matter the people who call me their friends won't care and I can always wash it tonight."
Alice started pulling off her sleepwear while holding onto her clothes and hopping to the bathroom to pee, take a shower, and get her makeup on. She didn't think it would take more than 15 minutes and from the clocks in almost every room she knew she had plenty of time before the bus actually got to her stop which was just across the street. She knew her mom was just poking her for her newest fashion trend and was tired of having Alice choose to yet again switch styles once she was finally adjusted to the new look.
"It isn't like I can control it. I just get these compulsions to in essence shed my skin and the new skin just pops into my head while I dream." Alice said to herself mostly while walking to her bathroom.
She disrobed, turned on the fan, and jumped into the shower think about her dream. She thought it was weird. The kiss that she had with that guy was so incredible and that even though she was eating that food and I felt like it did nothing for her. She also thought that she looked gorgeous. She had such great long hair that made her hair look great. She was just surprised by how her face looked even more white than her typical skin color. She almost looked like a ghost but the dress she was wearing looked like one her mom had and once again thought that she looked great in it. She got out and was surprised how much time she was in and knew she didn't have enough time to do everything. So she decided on getting into her clothes still wet from the shower. She peed and dried her hair trying to rush. She ran down stairs and when she got to the bottom she put her socks on. She realized that she forgot her backpack upstairs and dashed upstairs slipping on the top step and went falling straight down on the hall floor. She twisted her head so she landed on the side of her face and not her nose. She got up and while her face started to hurt continued down to her room. She grabbed her backpack and dashed to the stairs. Instead of running down she slide down the rail and her mom saw this and was about to scold her when she saw that Alice was running toward the front door.
"Wait just one little minute little lady, where do you think you're going you should sit down and eat something!"
"I feel full Joan and I can get something at school before class. Do you know where my boots are I can't find them."
"They're on the top shelf in the closet. You really should eat something." Alice now saw her boots and jumped up to get them because the shelf was at six feet of the ground and when she had 3 inch heels on she has barely 5'7" so most of the time she couldn't get most stuff in the top areas of areas.
"Thanks and again I feel full and the bus is here."
"Okay have a good day at school. I love you and see you when I get home."
 Alice didn't hear her mom say this because she was already running toward the bus.  

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